Best Practices for DevOps in Hybrid Cloud

Best practices for DevOps in hybrid cloud
Best practices for DevOps in hybrid cloud

Hybrid cloud combines on-premises infrastructure with cloud computing to provide scalability, flexibility and greater security for applications and data. Hybrid cloud infrastructure should be more flexible than traditional cloud to meet changing needs. As a result, enterprises with hybrid cloud capabilities can adapt to business and technology changes more quickly.

In recent years, various tools, techniques, and frameworks have emerged with the goal of enhancing flexibility, performance, and scalability. Traditional monolithic approaches have been replaced by more modular approaches such as microservices and nanoservices. Additionally, the rise of cloud computing has led to the replacement of on-premises software with cloud environments, which offer a wide range of benefits and capabilities that were previously unavailable.

Being able to optimize speed and efficiency by adapting to a cloud setup is a critical capability. To take advantage of cloud bursting capabilities and protect their applications and data, enterprises can adopt a hybrid cloud strategy combined with DevOps. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into best practices for implementing DevOps in a hybrid cloud environment.

What is a hybrid cloud environment?

Hybrid cloud combines on-premises and cloud computing models, allowing you to take advantage of the benefits of both approaches. Hybrid cloud computing allows businesses to combine their own on-premises infrastructure with the power and flexibility of cloud computing. This approach allows them to optimize their current infrastructure while also benefiting from the scalability and cost efficiencies provided by public cloud environments.

By leveraging the strengths of both, companies can optimize their operations for scalability and flexibility, and enhance application and data security. A significant advantage of hybrid cloud environments is their ability to adjust resource capacity to meet rapidly changing workload demands.

Hybrid cloud provides enterprises with flexibility and cost optimization. With a hybrid cloud, enterprises can scale resources and adapt to changing needs, just like a public cloud. At the same time, it allows them to retain control over sensitive data and critical applications stored on-site.

By adopting a hybrid cloud environment, organizations gain enhanced data control and the ability to flexibly distribute workloads based on changing business needs. Organizations can increase agility, enhance security and compliance by adopting a hybrid cloud model.

What is the benefit?

Here are the benefits of hybrid cloud:


The cloud provides a cost-effective solution for deploying workloads. When using the cloud, organizations don’t need to spend as much money purchasing additional infrastructure. Additionally, most cloud environments support pay-as-you-go pricing models, meaning you only pay for what you use.

Avoid vendor lock-in

While migrating to the cloud, companies often face the challenge of becoming too dependent on one cloud provider, making it difficult to switch to another provider when necessary. However, by adopting a hybrid model and migrating specifically to a platform that supports multiple providers, companies can mitigate this risk and avoid being locked into one vendor.

Increased developer productivity

By deploying a hybrid cloud platform, developers will be able to significantly increase their productivity. With this approach, developers can more effectively leverage agile and DevOps methodologies and deploy their applications across multiple cloud infrastructures simultaneously.

Infrastructure efficiency

Hybrid cloud provides development and IT operations teams with enhanced and smooth control over resources. Organizations can also leverage cloud services and combine them with data stored in the cloud or on-premises infrastructure to create more value through hybrid cloud.

Better compliance and security

Hybrid cloud offers significant benefits for business growth and acceleration. They accelerate product development cycles, promote innovation and speed time to market. Additionally, they facilitate timely responses to customer feedback and allow applications to be delivered closer to customers. Hybrid cloud also helps integrate new services from third-party providers.

Cloud bursting

An important feature of hybrid cloud environments is called cloud bursting, which enables organizations to easily increase resource capacity to meet different workload needs.

Hybrid Cloud Architecture Overview

A typical hybrid cloud architecture consists of the following components:

On-premises infrastructure: This refers to your private physical infrastructure, which can be used for storage, networking, host servers, etc.

Private Cloud: Generally speaking, a private cloud is an environment dedicated to the use of a single organization. It can be hosted inside or outside the organization’s own premises, but it is securely protected and not accessible to the public.

Public Cloud: The term public cloud refers to a computing model in which services such as computing, storage, deployment, etc. are provided by third-party providers over the Internet as fully managed services.

Cloud management platform: The cloud management platform is responsible for managing the operation and allocation of computing resources on each cloud platform. It also helps enterprises use their hybrid cloud environments efficiently.

Orchestration and automation tools: Streamlining tasks such as resource provisioning and data synchronization across different environments requires the use of orchestration and automation tools. These tools are critical to ensuring efficiency and seamless operations.

Best practices for DevOps in hybrid cloud

Despite the many benefits it provides, successfully implementing DevOps in hybrid cloud requires you to adhere to certain best practices:

Monitoring: Make sure you use the right tools to effectively monitor and manage your on-premises and cloud environments. These tools provide a comprehensive view of your resources, regardless of where they are hosted.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Use tools like CloudFormation, Terraform, or ARM to automate infrastructure configuration and management. IaC ensures that infrastructure is built consistently and reliably.

Containerization: Container technologies such as Docker and container orchestration platforms such as Kubernetes abstract the underlying infrastructure, making it easier to move applications between on-premises and the cloud.

Centralized logging: Make sure you have a centralized metrics, logging, and tracing solution (such as ELK Stack, Prometheus, and/or Grafana) that can collect data from your platform and cloud environment.

Automation: From CI/CD pipelines to infrastructure deployment, it is critical to ensure process automation by leveraging tools such as GitLab CI, GitHub Actions, and/or Jenkins.

Security: You should consistently implement a strong security policy. Consider the unique security requirements of hybrid systems, such as security of data transfers between disk and cloud, encryption at rest and in transit, and consistent identity and access management.

Performance: Understand latency and bandwidth issues when transferring data between disk and the cloud. Choose the right architecture (such as edge computing) and optimize your application to minimize these issues.

Data management and integration: You should understand where your data comes from and be aware of data gravity. You should also link applications and data sources on servers and in the cloud to ensure data flow.

Application architecture: You should design applications that are cloud-agnostic, modular, and flexible. Microservices architecture is often well suited for hybrid cloud environments.

Disaster recovery and backup: Build a robust disaster recovery and backup strategy using on-premises and cloud resources.

Administration and policy management: You should leverage tools such as Open Policy Agent (OPA) to enforce consistent policies across both environments using policy as code.

Training and skills development: Note that hybrid cloud requires knowledge across multiple platforms. Make sure your team has the training and skills to manage and operate a hybrid environment.

Budget and cost management: You should monitor costs on your servers and in the cloud. Tools like AWS Cost Explorer, Azure Cost Management, and third-party solutions can help you gain insights into where your money is going.

Communication and collaboration: Despite challenges and obstacles, you should encourage open communication and teamwork.

Regular reviews and audits: Review your architecture, tools, and procedures to ensure they are aligned with business goals and as efficient as possible.

What are the challenges?

While hybrid cloud has many advantages, it also comes with some challenges. These challenges stem from the complexity of managing multiple environments and integrating them together. The following are the main challenges of hybrid cloud:

Security concerns: Hybrid cloud models can introduce security vulnerabilities, especially if security protocols are implemented inconsistently across environments. It is important to properly protect data moving between private and public environments to reduce potential risks.

Data transfer costs: When moving data between private and public clouds, it’s important to consider the potential costs involved, especially when dealing with large amounts of data. When designing a hybrid solution, it is critical to be aware of these costs.

Data sovereignty and compliance: You must ensure that data is compliant with regional and industry-specific regulations when it is stored or processed in multiple locations, including public clouds in different regions.

Latency issues: One of the challenges that can arise when implementing cloud-based applications is integration with existing legacy systems. This can be a problem, especially for applications that require real-time or high-performance functionality.

Vendor lock-in: Even with a hybrid approach, vendor lock-in can still be a challenge, especially if the organization relies heavily on a specific cloud provider’s proprietary tools or services, making it difficult to migrate or integrate with other platforms.

Skills gaps: One of the challenges of managing and operating a hybrid cloud is the potential skills gap, as you need multiple skills, such as knowledge of on-premises and cloud technologies. To address this issue, organizations may need to provide training or hire new talent with the necessary expertise in both areas.

Monitoring: Achieving visibility and effective monitoring can be challenging when resources are distributed across multiple environments. It often requires specialized tools or platforms to enable end-to-end visibility and effective monitoring.

Governance and policy management: Although critical to maintaining security and compliance, enforcing consistent governance and policy management across private and public clouds can be challenging.

Cost management and optimization: While hybrid cloud can provide cost advantages, tracking and managing costs across multiple platforms can also be difficult. This requires continuous monitoring and implementation of optimization strategies.

Network connectivity: To enable secure, reliable, and fast connectivity between on-premises and cloud environments, a well-designed network infrastructure is critical. This may involve additional investment in network services or infrastructure to ensure seamless connectivity.

How hybrid cloud supports DevOps culture

Here’s how hybrid cloud supports a DevOps culture:

Automation: Automation plays a vital role in both hybrid cloud and DevOps. Automation enables provisioning, scaling, and management of infrastructure by leveraging the tools and services provided by cloud providers. This aligns with the core principles of DevOps, including automating installation, integration, and utilization.

Flexibility: Unlike a single platform or tool, DevOps teams have the freedom to choose the most appropriate services and platforms from various cloud providers and incorporate them into their own solutions.

Cost efficiency: DevOps teams can achieve cost efficiencies by using public cloud resources for ad hoc workloads such as test environments or short-term projects. Your teams only pay for the resources they actually use, optimizing costs and therefore the amount they spend on those resources.

Rapid deployment of resources: Rapid provisioning and deprovisioning of resources is critical in a DevOps culture. Hybrid cloud allows for rapid deployment of environments and supports the iterative and dynamic nature of DevOps practices.

Collaboration: Hybrid cloud solutions often include collaboration tools and platforms that promote effective communication and teamwork, aligned with the collaborative culture of DevOps.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): Hybrid cloud provides tools and platforms that support CI/CD pipelines and enable consistent and continuous integration, testing, and transition to production (delivery/deployment).

Service integration: Many cloud providers offer a wide range of services, including machine learning and databases, as part of their cloud offerings. Using these services will enable you to seamlessly integrate them into your applications, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

Monitoring and feedback: Hybrid cloud offers powerful monitoring, logging, and analytics tools that provide valuable insights into application performance and user experience.

Compliance: With a hybrid cloud approach, IT teams can maintain the security and compliance of sensitive data and applications by placing them in a private cloud or controlled environment. This way, organizations can effectively meet their compliance and security standards.

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Hybrid cloud combines on-premises infrastructure with cloud computing to provide scalability, flexibility and greater security for applications and data. Hybrid cloud infrastructure should be more flexible than traditional cloud to meet changing needs. As a result, enterprises with hybrid cloud capabilities can adapt to business and technology changes more quickly.

By implementing DevOps practices in hybrid cloud environments, enterprises can leverage benefits such as increased agility, faster release cycles, enhanced scalability, and better collaboration. With a hybrid cloud setup, companies can leverage the benefits of on-premises infrastructure and cloud computing models to achieve scalability and flexibility.


  • Mohamed BEN HASSINE

    Mohamed BEN HASSINE is a Hands-On Cloud Solution Architect based out of France. he has been working on Java, Web , API and Cloud technologies for over 12 years and still going strong for learning new things. Actually , he plays the role of Cloud / Application Architect in Paris ,while he is designing cloud native solutions and APIs ( REST , gRPC). using cutting edge technologies ( GCP / Kubernetes / APIGEE / Java / Python )

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